Wednesday, 15 October 2014

The project brief - Redheads & Royalty

The brief focuses on collating historical research and technical observations of the hairstyles used in the Elizabethan era. You should consider the various hairstyles and hair colours used by Elizabethan women with reference to their age, class and status.

You are required to practice a variety of historically accurate Elizabethan hairstyles in class, you are also going to create a more contemporary version using clear references to a style of Elizabethan hair you are inspired by. Develop the project by referencing contemporary versions of Elizabethan hairstyles. 

Being perfectly honest, I do not know an awful lot about Elizabethan hair or the techniques they used, but I am definitely excited to learn! The only thing I know and am confident about is the fact that they use very tight curls and tend to have their hairline quite far back.

But on that note, I am looking forward to learning how to create the type of styles they used and seeing how they differ, or are still used in today's contemporary society and modern fashion. 

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